The most difficult part of establishing a blog if you have content everywhere, is finding a way to bring it all together. The thought of it is enough to make me feel like I might need a nap. And that would be nice, if I could wake up and everything is done, but around here that’s not likely to happen unless I’m paying someone else to do it.
I decided to do what any sensible person would do when faced with such an obstacle: make a list and prioritize. Or should it be prioritize and then make a list? In my case, I think, the list needs to come first and then, thanks to technology, I can move things around until I have priorities in order.
First things first, there are some videos I’ve done over the years that contain good information, so I’ll be uploading them to our Videos category. Look for them there. And do me a favor. Should you decide to view any of them, please do so directly on YouTube. This helps me keep track of interest, which can help me decide what you might want to see more of. I’m pretty much an amateur in the video league, but through practice I’ll get there. Your suggestions will help.
Now, I’m off to load those videos, so I can get to the next thing on my list. Ciao Ciao.