The post office recently increased rates by about 7%. Shipping costs are already one of the biggest grievances of those who purchase online, and such costs have been known to make or break a sale at checkout. When shipping costs increase, businesses have to make the decision as to whether they’re going to increase their own costs or find creatives ways around it. We chose to use a creative approach. First, let me say that not only isn’t our $6.95 flat-rate shipping on all US-based purchases NOT going anywhere—we’ve also come up with a great way to keep shipping costs low for everyone.
With that said, we’d like to introduce you to our Build Your Own Package (BYOP) option. We’ve included in this option items that are lightweight and sturdy enough to ship in padded envelopes. Because these usually don’t weigh much and can easily be kept below the first-class shipping designation of 13 ounces or less, we can mail them first class. But that’s not all! We decided to take it a step further. When you use the BYOP option, we’ll ship your package for free! Yup, free first-class shipping on us.
How does BYOP work?
Choose as few or as many of the product options, as desired. You do not have to choose an item from EVERY product option category. Each product option will allow you to make ONE selection. Since our deodorants are often sold in “doubles,” we included two product option selectors for deodorants. Once you’ve made your choices, choose “Add to Cart,” complete checkout, and your order is on the way!
If you add any items from our regular catalog that are not found in the option menu, shipping charges will apply, unless the total order is $99 or more.
If you experience any issues building a package or have ideas on how to make this feature better, drop us a note in the comments below or shoot us an e-mail. We always enjoy hearing from you!