Hampton, GA 30228 info@nandisnaturals.com 404-431-3459

Hey, I Don’t Know You!

faux customer list

faux listing of customersI’ve operated my body care company since 2009. Initially, my customers (those who pay you in exchange for goods and services) consisted mostly of friends, acquaintances and a relative here and there. By the way, relatives are the most difficult people to turn into customers. Many don’t always take your business seriously, especially if they still see you as the gangly, nerdy lil’ cousin who used to sit by her lonesome reading books and sniffing her hands every time she touched something. So, if you feel as if you’re constantly beating your head against a wall to get them to come aboard, you are. Here’s the answer to resolving that issue: stop trying to sell to them. Go after your “intentional” customer.

Back to the business at hand. Many parameters can be used to gauge the growth and success of a business. Increased revenue is the one that most comes to mind. But there’s another. Have you scrolled through your customer list recently and noticed that a substantial number of sales are to people you don’t know? If so, congratulations! This, my friends, is a clue that you’re growing, that you’re reaching your market, that you’ve been found trustworthy enough that someone you don’t know, decides to plunk down a few dollars or, sometimes, lots of dollars on your product or service. These people are trusting that you will deliver what you’ve promised. They’re taking a chance on YOU—someone THEY don’t know!

Now, don’t get me wrong by any stretch, I LOVE my repeat customers. The fact that they come back time and time again is confirmation I am doing something right. They could spend their money anywhere, but they’ve made a decision, an intelligent decision, to invest in me and my products. I also know that many of our “I don’t know you,” customers come about BECAUSE of referrals from our repeat customers. My gratitude extends to the both of them, because both are evidence that, yes, indeed, I am doing things right; yes, indeed, I am in business; yes, indeed, I am generating revenue; yes, indeed, I am growing.

If I have to leave you with any advice it would be that your goal, your mission, in 2016, is to go out and make customers of people you don’t know. To all those I didn’t know, welcome to the family!

Discussion Questions: In what way did you first notice your business was growing and became convinced of it? If you were the person the company did not know, what or who influenced you to take the plunge?


  1. Arminda Colon

    Great post! My first inkling that I was growing was exactly what you said lol when I started getting orders from people and I’m saying to myself “Hmmm who’s this?”. Another was when I started getting orders from outside the US.

    1. kreyolgirl (Post author)

      Yes! I wonder how many of us ask that question: “Hmmm, who’s this?” It’s like, are you sure it was MY company you meant to order from? And then it starts happening more and more, and you resign yourself, happily, of course, to the fact that people who don’t know you, really want your product. International orders are the other ones that leave you wide-eyed. Way across the waters, hunh? You found me all the way over here? LOL Thanks so much for commenting!

  2. Max

    Loved reading this and yes “family” is the worst when it comes to business support. Everyday someone enquire about my products I’m so thankful and even more so when they become repeat customers… Its such a blessing knowing you’re providing a service ppl love…keep up your blogging I look forward to reading more

    1. kreyolgirl (Post author)

      Unfortunately, family holds the award for being least likely to support us. Sad, sad, but true, in many cases. People love being able to contact you and ask about your products. They can’t get that same personable service with larger companies. That’s an advantage we have, and do well to exploit. Thank you so much for taking the time to read and leave a comment!


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