You don’t have to say it, because I’ll say it for you: I’ve been gone from the social media and e-mail world for months. When I wrote and published my first book, Hey! It’s a Pandemic Out There!, in the early days of the pandemic, I made it a goal to practice what I’d preached. That led me to take a hiatus from most things social media. The longer my break, the more refreshed I felt and the less stressed I became about “showing up” online.
I filled my days processing orders as they came in, relearning how to roller skate (tried to avoid doing that up there), sleeping in, spending quality time with my children, ending up on video at the recent Science of Roller Skating in Atlanta, and planning the next phase of my 50-something life during what has been a time of mass upheaval for many.
The pandemic served as a springboard for me to get a few things done in life that I’d been putting off. My book being one of the first. What have you done or changes have you made over the past year and a half that you’re proud of? Comment below. I’d like to hear about it. 💜